Friday, March 8, 2013

Summer in the air...

I recently took some photos with the lovely Ashlei Louise, for her fashion blog Faltering Bird. She is a long time friend and muse, and we try to work together as often as possible. She also happens to be featured in my banner at the top of this page!

We were fortunate enough to meet up on an absolutely beautiful sunny day, a rare event in the pacific northwest this time of year. It was also extremely windy! It was great for flowing hair, a little problematic for keeping skirts in place! But we worked it out ;) I really loved her outfit and the mood it created with the truck and the sunlight.

Her boyfriend Josh came along and took some photos with us as well. He is the owner of this quirky truck, as well as the main photographer for Faltering Bird! I always enjoy how enthusiastic both of them are about the process. We spent the afternoon exploring different ideas and locations, showing each other photos, and brainstorming for future shoots.
Thanks to Ashlei and Josh!


  1. Awee what a perfect write up!! Always loving your photography <3

  2. Wow... this is great stuff Michelle! I really liked 'Faltering Bird' too.
