Saturday, April 6, 2013

Downtown detours!

I spent an afternoon during Spring Break wandering the downtown area with model La Belle Fille. We had originally planned to shoot at a church in the area, but upon arrival discovered that the stairway was occupied by some very friendly, but very talkative street folk. We spent the first half hour of our shoot speaking with one of these people, then went searching for a more abandoned location!

Our second plan was to use the ever-changing legal graffiti walls as our background, but it must have been the perfect day to go painting, because they were all being used! Then, we had our eye on an old tea house, but just as we neared it people swarmed the stairway. It seemed it was going to be one of those days, but we didn't give up! 

We kept walking, and along the way we captured a variety of images, including a more permanent graffiti piece. Sometimes it's good to get thrown out of your box, because you notice things you would have never seen before! It was a challenge, and because Belle had such a great easy-going attitude about it all, it was also a fun adventure!

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